Tips and Tricks

Studying Optimization

During your time as a workshop leader, its not uncommon for a student or students to be struggling with the class. During this time, if the student(s) is/are willing to go over how they study for the class, it is important for you to know the more effective strategies for efficient studying.

Shallow vs Deep Learning

Different methods of studying can be categorized into shallow or deep based on the engagement with the course material. Shallow methods tend reinforce simple, rote memorization while deep methods require additional thought about the material in a way that goes beyond just the information given, forming connections between concepts and applications of the material for example.

Below is a compiled chart of various studying methods categorized into being shallow or deep:

In addition the method of studying is highly personalized. As such, the student should try out the best and most enjoyable way to study for them without too much influence by the workshop leader.